Say Hello to Rift Clerics . NET

by Matthew Smith on January 31, 2011

Up until now, Smidgen PC has been my only blog. It’s been humming along nicely, averaging around 15,000 visitors a month. I enjoy it, but I sometimes lack motivation to update this site because it’s heavily intertwined with things that I write about for my various clients.

I’ve been thinking about starting a blog connected to a game for some time, and now I’ve finally done it. I recently played in the beta for Rift, and upcoming MMO. I liked it a lot. So I’ve started a new site about Rift clerics called Rift Clerics . NET (because was already taken). I’ve also put up my first guide, a general Rift Clerics guide for newbies. Do me a favor and check this site out!

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