An Introduction to Enhancing Devices with Wireless Internet

by Matthew Smith on June 15, 2011

It used to be that computers belonged on desks, and we needed to be rooted in one place in order to use them. However, with the spread of laptop usage and the growth of tablet and smart phone industries, we can now do just about anything we always could with a desktop computer with the added convenience of portability. In fact, about the only feature that portable devices seem to lack is printing capability; we can use laptops and tablets to type documents, play games, manage schedules, store information, and many other things. And now, thanks to companies like and the general expansion of 4G service, we can also access the Internet remotely with our portable devices.

One way to gain Internet access through your wireless device is to simply do it through your cellular phone service provider, if they offer 4G service. However, there are also companies that exist solely to provide 4G service, which can also help you to connect to the wireless network. Essentially, you can purchase a package from these companies that allows you to pay a certain amount (depending on the level of service you want for your devices, and how long you want it) in exchange for a modem. Once you have the modem, it can be as simple as plugging it into your device, and you will have access to the entire Internet, wirelessly, without depending on your office network, or whatever network is present where you are. You will be able to browse the Internet, stream videos, send and receive email, and do everything else you like to do online with the same speed and clarity as if you were connected the old fashioned way, with an Ethernet cord at a desktop computer.

Finding the best 4G service is an important thing to consider with the rise of portable devices like laptops and smart tablets. These devices have become popular mostly because of the flexibility and convenience they allow people in their business and personal endeavors. With the right service, you can add expanded Internet access to the list of conveniences brought to you by your portable device. You will be able to get online just about anywhere, from your neighborhood coffee house to your school or office. This is not only a luxury, but almost a necessity in today’s world, when seemingly everything is run online, and moves more and more quickly by the day. Capitalize on the potential of your portable devices and look into finding the best wireless Internet service for you.

This article was brought to you by Clear Wireless

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