Not all power supplies are equal. Power supplies do not turn the energy drawn from the wall socket into energy usable by a PC at 100% efficiency. Crappy power supples usually have an efficiency of between 60% and 75%. This means that if your computer draws 100 watts you will be drawing between 40 and 25 extra watts from the wall socket that isn’t actually consumed by your computer.
If you’re looking for a great, reliable PSU, SmidgenPC has you covered. The three power supplies listed here are rated for maximum loads of between 370 and 450 watts and are an excellent way to increase the efficiency of your computer.
Silverstone is a name which means quality, and they certainly haven’t skimped on their Element 400 watt power supply. It appears very basic from the outside as it lacks neon stickers or any other visual flare, but it has heft which gives the unit a reliable feel.
The Element comes with an excellent cable arrangement including support for 6-pin PCI cards, 6 SATA and 6 Molex connections. The cables have a length of 40 inches, which is extremely long. This can be a problem for very small cases, but it is a godsend in large ones.
If you want efficiency, this is the power supply for you. The Element has a peak efficiency of 89% at around 50% load and is 85% efficient at all loads above approximately 20%. This makes it the most efficient small power supply on the market today. The Silverstone Element 400 watt power supply can be had for around $80 bucks.
Corsair’s power supplies are also among the best available, and the Corsair is no exception. The Corsair products are oriented a bit more towards gamers, and as a result the VX450 is adorned with a neon green sticker featuring it’s name. The includes a full set of connections including 6pin PCI Express and the cables are sheathed for easier cable management.
While the Corsair is not the most efficient power supply at all load ratings it does manage to be more than 80% efficient no matter the load level. It is in fact 90% efficient at low load levels, which is impressive. This means that users with computers that don’t consume a lot of power won’t see an efficiency hit due to the fact that they do not come close to the maximum load rating of the .
The is also rather affordable. Most , and it is often on sale or available with a mail-in rebate.
While Enermax brand isn’t as well known as Silverstone and Corsair, it makes a strong showing in the . The includes a large variety of connections, the most surprising of which is two 6/8 pin PCI Express connections. All cords are a respectable 30 inches long.
On the efficient front, the is strong across the board, with efficient above 80% at a variety of load levels. The also receives high marks on the acoustic front. It is among the quietest power supplies available today.
The , just a tad bit less than the Corsair and Silverstone. While the Corsair has better cable management and the Silverstone is more efficient, the Enermax is a good choice for a home theater build where low noise is a priority.
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